Spotter Opportunities
If you are interested in being on the Spotter team, have any suggestions, would like to write an
article or send us one that you would like to have published, please feel free to
Email or call one of the co-editors.
Jennifer Cramer
878 E. 1650th Road
Baldwin City, KS 66006
jennifercramer@msn.com |
Kathy Szomoru
1203 Old Rockside Road
Parma, OH. 44134
kaszomoru@sbcglobal.net |
Managing Editor
Marie "Debbie" Zink
188 Arcola
Inkster, MI 48141-1202
Phone (313) 563-8996
Email: Editor
If you have a special interest in working for DCA on one of the
committees, please notify the President, Meg Hennessey
President@thedca.org |
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